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I have the same problems than Gildedgamer... I bought it on dlsite... 
Any fix???


It still confuses me how little girls screwing is bannable, but little boys of the same age or younger always gets a pass. Always see weirdly hypocritical

(2 edits) (+1)

I`ve ben having a problem with a few characters

1st Jessica's   points keep resetting 

2nd Sofia stopes talking to me at the inn when i hit 16 points

3rd the first lady only has me liking her pussy even after i have 25 points

4th  The Girl in the forest will not gain any points at all

if possible i would like to know how to fix these issues.

(1 edit)

An error has occurred and has been fixed. Anyone who has already bought it, just download the game again.

Hello, I cannot start the game. No application file available

just unzip and run the "game" file. Try downloading again

there was an error that was fixed. Thanks

